We’re pleased to notify you that Madrassah will reopen from Monday 12 April –
MON – THU : 5pm – 6:30pm – Friday Closed throughout ramadhan
Nursery parents can collect their at 6:20pm
Madrassah will resume from 7th September 2020. Due to current Covid-19, certain restrictions have been placed in the classrooms. Children are advised to stay home if they have symptoms or the school has issued them with any letters requesting to stay home. The parent must also inform the Madrassah of any such incident.
Alhumdolillah we’re please to inform you that after over a 100 days of lockdown, we have opened up the masjid (in conjunction with the current government guidelines). – READ GUIDELINES
Masjid-e-Raza has been recognised by the Lancashire Telegraph for the support its currently providing during the Coronavirus crisis.
13/03/2020 – Second Jummah – suspended due to coronavirus
Mainly for the convenience of any working individuals, we have again arranged for a Second Jumma which take place each Friday at 3:00pm (Jamaat)
06/03/2020 – Coronavirus
Due to the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus, we have taken up some measures in order to help prevent any possible transmission of germs and bacteria around the Masjid. We have therefore removed the towels for drying wudhu and have replaced with paper towels for the time being.
We won the cup! – Final score of the football tournament:
NEC 3 – 2 Mission. The boys of Noorani Education Centre did us all proud bringing home the long awaited trophy. This joy was shared by many regular members of the mosque too. Look out for pictures soon!
Following the success of the recent football tournament, we are holding boys 11-13 year old 5 aside tournament on Sunday 22 December 2019. Parents of interested students who qualify, will shortly receive a letter with more details.
Football Tournament
Aiming to bring the Sunni institutions in Blackburn closer together for the benefit of our community, and for the first time ever, we, along with 3 other Sunni mosques have held a boys 5 aside indoor football tournament on Sunday 20 October 2019 at Blackburn Leisure Centre. – view results
New Imam Arrives – 25/09/2019
Masjide Raza would like to welcome Mufti Hasan Raza Qadri who has been granted a two-year visa. The Imam last visited our Masjid in 2016 and will once again provide service as an Imam, teaching the madrassah and hold programmes/talks for both the young and old in English/Urdu. The Imam from Jamnagar (Western India), has been a qualified Mufti for over 10 years and is set to commence his proposed duties from next week.
Free Tajweed Course
Run by Imam Moulana Ashfaq Sahib a free Tajweed course is due start on Saturday 21 September 2019 at 12:00pm until Zohar. The class is open for Men only.
Dalailul Khayrat
Recitation of this most popular and most universally acclaimed collection of Durood Sharifs will be running each Thursday after Maghrib Salah by Moulana Ashfaq Misbahi.
Online Safety
We held an online safety evening on Tuesday 16 July 2019, 5pm at Noorani Education Centre. The session, will cover all important aspects of online safety for children, including internet grooming, radicalisation, and offences due to online activities.
Madrassah examination will take place on Saturday 13 July 2019. Revision for students has been encouraged at home and during Madrassah hours in preparation for the set date. Remember to check the student library to find books which will help with your childs revision.
Main examination dates can be found here
Funeral Service
We are calling for volunteers to join our Funeral Volunteers Group. The group will be under the supervision of Mr Musabhai Haldarvi who has over 20 years of expertise in guiding families of the deceased with the process of burial and its arrangements. He says, “I am concerned that a time may come, where our older generation will no longer be available to provide
funeral services for our people”.
This will be a great opportunity for our members to take part and learn the skills which not onlyhelps our masjid community at large, but highly rewarding. To register your interest, call Abdulbahi Dana on 07572 600 577
Noorani Education Centre opening hours approved
We are pleased to announce that our Noorani Education Centre (Hartley St) has been granted extension of its opening hours. This is an exciting time for Masjide Raza as it will foster new opportunities and projects for its mainstream madrassah, Noorani Education Centre.
We will soon announce plans for our centre and how we can bring it forward further.
Let us know your thoughts, send your feedback
Qari Rizwan at Madrassah:
As part of the 7 day visit to Blackburn, Qari Mohammed Rizwan visited the Noorani Education Centre and held assemblies throughout the week stating he was very impressed with the development of the children. As well as listening to Naats, children took part in activities and discussions.
Tuesday, the Madrassah students was outside reciting naats, which attracted lots of local residents. Look out for pictures and videos including a video footage shot using a drone!
Qari Rizwan at Madrassah:
As part of the 7 day visit to Blackburn, Qari Mohammed Rizwan visited the Noorani Education Centre and held assemblies throughout the week stating he was very impressed with the development of the children. As well as listening to Naats, children took part in activities and discussions.
Tuesday, the Madrassah students was outside reciting naats, which attracted lots of local residents. Look out for pictures and videos including a video footage shot using a drone!
Ehtikaaf Attendees:
Ayub Vasta
Asif bhai
Maqbool Bagas
Amin Kidiwala
Salahuddin Natha
Taraweeh Reciters – Ramadhan 2019
In order of recitation
Name | Rakats |
Hafiz Sarwar (New hifz graduate) | 2 |
Hafiz Mustaqeem | 2 |
Hafiz Adil | 2 |
Hafiz Altaf | 4/6 |
Hafiz Moulana Ashfaq | 4/6 |
Hafiz Adam | 4 |
1 1/4 chapter a day is recited until 21st Taraweeh whereafter 1 chapter.
Emails: If you’ve registered your email address with us before Ramadhan 07/05/19 and have not yet received an email from us, please check your spam/junk folder and mark the email as ‘Not Spam’.
Ramadhan Activities: (Final program was held on 26 May)
Sisters only: Each Sunday 3-5pm starting in Ramadhan at Noorani Education Centre – Boost your spirituality in the month of Ramadhan, tips on maintaining piety after Ramadhan, speeches, naats, dikr.
Ramadhan guest
Considering the benefits the public gained from his previous visits, InshaAllah, starting the 16th Fast, we are planning to invite Alhaaj Qari Mohammed Rizwan once again for 5 days from his 2 week trip to the UK in the month of Ramadhan. As like previously he will do his daily talks particularly aimed at our teens and the younger generation.
Website launch – 20/04/2019
Alhumdolillah, we are pleased to relaunch the website under, aiming to provide a better communication channel to our members/non members and madrassah parents.
We have placed our mainstream media links directly on the homepage, this enables you to quickly and easily access the masjid radio, YouTube channel and our Twitter feed. We’ve also added Google language Translate to the site, this will help broaden our communication further.
Remember! to receive updates, register your email address with us. Also add the website to your mobile homescreen (from the homepage, via the browser menu)
For Ramadhan opening times, please read our recent letter
Safety gates
The long awaited safety/security gates work has commenced around the entrance of Noorani Education Centre. The work, carried out by the Blackburn Borough Council, will help deter Anti Social Behaviour and assure saftey to our children visiting the madrassah. Areas where gates are fitted have seen a reduction to crime and ASB incidents, including: drug misuse, fly tipping and buglaries.
27/02/19 – Parents evening (Boys classes)
26/02/19 – Parents evening (Girls classes)
19/02/19 – Tour of Masjid-e-Raza was undertaken by for both boys and girls on separate days. This short tour, provided a greater insight to what the Masjid looks like, its importance and aspects related to the Masjid. The children learnt about as Azaan, Mehrab, Jamaat Khana and wuzu khana.
02/11/18 – Teachers training day – All teachers were briefed regarding child safety measures in Madrassah.
Over 10 years!
26 May 2018 marked 10 years since the Noorani Education Centre was first opened.
Mosque Renovation – March 2010
The long awaited renovation work is almost complete, high class internal design structured by marble and spectacular color and lighting.
The completion date will be April InshaAllah. The Masjid-e-raza committee would like to thank all our contributors and donaters for the kind support.
Student Camping – August 2009
The Madrassa students aged between 10-18 took a trip to Bibbys Farm in Chorley on the 7-8th August 2009. The Madrassa students took the opportunity to take part in an active weekend taking personal fitness challenges, such as crate climbing, wall climbing, zip wire and many more!
– Check website again soon for pictures from the camping trip
Summer Holidays
Saturday 18th July – Sunday 2nd August 2009
Ramadhan Holidays
Monday 24th August 2009 – 21st September 2009
Mosque Election
The Madrassa election was held on Sunday 4th January 2009.
2009 – 2010 executive committee has been selected.
Noorani Education Centre – 1/06/08
Paintballing! – 26/07/08
We have organised a day trip for the children to Delta Force (Paintballing) at Minsterwood, Nipe Lane, Bickerstaff, Lancashire on the 27th July 2008.
This is a whole day event where we need to arrive at the centre prompt 9:00am for full details please contact the mosque and ask to speak to Gousmohammed bhai.
NEC Opening – 26th May 2008 – Marked the official opening of the centre. Video clips and full audio of the opening ceremony including the childrens Juloos will be soon available from Masjid-e-Raza.